Tolu Alder- UX Designer

My latest contrarain thought:
People do like change, they just don't like change that affects their routine. Before you change a design, examine the routine of your users first.

Fascinated by the brilliance of the Dyson vacuum cleaner as a 14 year old, I read up on James Dyson and how he famously created 5000+ prototypes for the first...

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Case Studies

Manage Your Hires

Manage Your Hires is an internal website used by all of a bank's hiring managers to track dates, check provisioning status and follow up on any issues that may hinder a new joiner's start date.

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The team had received some feedback from their users and stakeholders about the current state of the website which prompted them to reach out to me. The initial website was created with little to no help from a designer and was built at the direction of the business stakeholders.

Getting Buy-In from stakeholders can often take longer than expected.

Creating a website that is simple but caters to a lot of variables takes time, lots of stakeholder sessions and lots of iterations.

Lead Designer


Shelf Pilot

Shelf Pilot automates the purchases of personal care items for consumers and delivers the items when needed.

Shelf Pilot works on a Just In Time basis and delivers items when the consumer runs out.

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Initial Premise:
As the service is a relatively new concept, the website should tell a story that carries visitors on a journey from the beginning to the end which leads them to sign up for the service.
Pricing only matters at checkout and customers are used to additional fees added by external parties.

Concluding Findings (after testing):
Visitors are generally impatient so the quicker you tell them what the product is about and how much they can expect to pay, the better.

How pricing is communicated matters a lot. It is true customers are used to additional fees but the expectation of it matters a lot more. Customers appreciate knowing the total price they are going to pay upfront before they get to the checkout.

Lead Designer



Litmus Test Questions for Thinking of Startup Ideas

This is a list of litmus questions I formed from my time at Antler (UK9). They're not exhaustive but they can massively help when thinking of ideas.

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Redefining Invisible Design

In the digital world, I would classify invisible design as useful features running in the background that only become visible when you activate them.To put it in more concrete terms, invisible design is when two things happen concurrently but your default view is only on one. The invisible part then becomes visible when you decide to look at it.

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About Me

How I studied Product Design Engineering:
Fascinated by the brilliance of the Dyson vacuum cleaner as a 14 year old- vacuuming the flat was my chore as a teenager- I read up on James Dyson and how he famously created 5000+ prototypes for the first version of the vacuum cleaner.
This ultimately led me to research what university course would enable me to build products like that and I found out product design engineering was the course to apply for.

My transition to the tech industry:
I studied Product Design Engineering, which is a mixture of Product Design and Mechanical Engineering but ultimately what I would like to have studied is Product Design Technology but this course did not exist.
I love brainstorming ideas, designing ideas, and creating those designs into real products. My preferred mode of work is to iterate as quickly as possible.
After 1 year of working in engineering, I realised that this mode of working is uncommon in the industry which led me to transition to the tech industry as it offers the fast-paced iteration I longed for.