Tweet Reactions


Why am I building this?

  • There are a lot of replies on twitter that do not necessarily add to the conversation. Laughter emojis like this — 😂😂 —are quite common to see in threads or quote tweets without any more input
  • This creates a degrading experience for the user as they have to wade through the noise in order to find meaningful content that contributes to the conversation
  • This case study is an attempt to fix the issue

What (idea)?

  • Borrowing the idea from Twitter DMs, instead of just having the ability to comment, Twitter users would also have the option of adding reactions, which should help increase meaningful conversations
  • Reactions could also have a functionality to tag users

How could I measure it?

  • Whether the use of Twitter reactions goes up from date of implementation
  • Decrease in use of emojis in replies

How does this product benefit customers?

  • It helps increase meaningful conversations, which in turn keeps people engaged
  • It helps people add the right reaction to a tweet and move the conversation forward

What business opportunity does it create?

  • Future suggestion- Special reactions could be made for a brand’s tweet as an advertising proposition

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Essay Begins

It is quite common to come across a tweet that you appreciate, has lots of replies but none of the responses directly contribute to the conversation.

The most common amongst these are humorous tweets— In a lot of cases, the responses to humorous tweets are either full of twitter username tags or laughter emojis.
This often means if a user wants to see a useful comment, the user would have to “wade” through a lot of noise before they can find a meaningful comment that contributes to the conversation. This can be frustrating to the user as they search for signal in a stream full of noise

A typical humorous tweet with emoji noise

My proposition is that this issue can be solved with Twitter Reactions.

To be clear, this idea of Twitter Reactions is not new as it is already used in Twitter DMs, I just believe this feature could be adopted for the timeline too as it would be useful [1].

Twitter Reactions enables a user to react to a tweet with preselected emojis based on how the tweet made them feel. 

Comment button now has more features

Enabling a user to react via a button rather than commenting their reactions reduces the amount of noise in the tweet thread and allows for meaningful conversations to flow smoothly. Here a user is using the react button to tag people in the tweet.

Tag users in a tweet empty state

Tagging users in a tweet which is a separate feature than reply and mention

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