Resurface Liked Tweets and Bookmarks on the Feed


Why am I building this?

  • Users like tweets for a host of different reasons, but a majority of the time users like a tweet because of the content in it.
  • However once a user likes a tweet, it is gone and stashed away except if the user goes looking for it
  • In some photo apps or social media apps, you are often shown “On this day last year…” I believe this model can be applied to liked tweets or bookmarked tweets 
  • Popular liked tweets can be shown to the user every now and then or “on this day last year…” can be invoked.
  • This will improve retention and engagement

When will it be used?

  • On the same date from the previous year(s)

Where will it be used?

  • On the timeline feed of the user

How could I measure it?

  • How many people respond to a tweet sometime later or retweet old tweets. This could be worrisome for the OP but OP can always mute
  • How does this product benefit customers?
  • What business opportunity does it create?

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Essay Begins

A nice to have feature that could increase engagement and retention on twitter is resurfacing liked tweets or bookmarked tweets by the user every now and then on their timeline feed.

There are several reasons a user likes a tweet:

  1. To end a conversation
  2. To acknowledge a conversation or mark as seen
  3. To bookmark the tweet (though there is a dedicated feature for this)
  4. To show appreciation for the tweet 

And many more

More often than not, most users like a tweet because they appreciate its content. They like the content of the tweet for its usefulness, humour, information, and so on. Liking a tweet invokes positivity. 

The issue is once a user likes a tweet, it is stashed and hidden from view forever unless it is deliberately rebooted by the user or someone else.

Resurfacing Liked Tweets

I believe resurfacing some of the good tweets every now and then on the users timeline will induce positivity as it will take the user down memory lane and they are able to relive a moment. This in turn can cause them to reshare the content which in turn increases engagement and retention. 

This can also work for bookmarks. If bookmarked tweets are meant to be returned to sometime in the future, then it may help to bring them into the view of the user every now and then as a reminder to engage with the content of the tweet. It will work similar to resurfaced liked tweets

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