Mark All Emails as Read


Why am I building this?

  • Users are often inundated with emails everyday and are looking for ways to mitigate/reduce the email count
  • There are email solutions that propose compartmentalising the type of email you get so you are not inundated. E.g. Main, newsfeed, promotions etc but these do not solve the issue of the notification counter and sorting
  • One way to reduce the notification badge is to introduce a default feature that marks all emails as read after a specified period (except on holidays)
  • This poses an issue, if all emails are marked as read after a specified number of days then I might miss something. This is where compartmentalisation should come in. As I skim my emails, I can mark as “To respond”, “To read”, “To remind me later” etc.
  • If you do not take actions on compartmentalising, then it would assume you do not to read them and mark them all as read to reduce clutter

Who am I building it for?

  • The user who is inundated with email notification badges and counts

When will it be used?

  • After a specified period. E.g. a day.

Where will it be used?

  • On an email application. E.g. Gmail or outlook

How could I measure it?

  • Make the option default and see how measure how many people turn this setting off versus on

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It seems that by the greatest margin, email notifications are the largest and hardest to keep track of. Everyday, people are overwhelmed with inbound emails and may not have enough time to get to inbox zero. Eventually it piles up and they lose track of the number.

Notification badge via

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